Today is my 21st birthday, hurray? I'm emotional and I don't feel excited but depressed frankly. The close ones who know me well, they knew I had a tough 21 years. Could the next 21 years be better? I wish I could predict something further. I can't tell my feelings right now but I could show it in my drawing.

In a nutshell, birthday just brings me another emotional day in a bad way.
Happy 21st Bday!
Cheer up, J Apple!!
** Happy Birthday **
** Merry X'mas **
** Happy New Year **
haaaapy bday to youuuuuu
haaaaapy bday to youuuuu
hapyyy bday dear friend!!
haapy bday to youuuuuuuuuuu
(I was singing :D )
EEWY! You're freaking old! Stay away! I don't want to catch your liver spots man!
Love Alpha Whale
happy bday man!! omg!! ure 21? weee...welcome to the club~
adorable ur layout~ wish u a merry christmas too..have a blessed season..
WOW HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!! all the best in ur future~ ^^
happy birthday~
merry christmas~
and happy new year in advance~~~
happy belated birthday! :)
hey, cheer up!
must stay happy 1 leh. :p
if apple not happy will have worms 1.. lalalalala~
yoyoyo... hope it goes well on xmas for you, i know you've been psyched about xmas...
happy belated birthday, and have a blessed xmas...
Happy Christmas buddy!!!
and belated Happy beerthday !!! take care always!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday! So what presents did you receive? hehe~
THANK YOU ALL!!!! i've been away these days. really appreciate all your wishes ppl! hehehe!!
Happy Belated Birthday...!!!~~
Happy belated 21st bday!
Happy New Year to you as well.. :)
To TINTIN: thanks!
To Cashmere: hey thanks...really a belated one..@@!
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